
Gay Romance Collection

Gay Romance Novel Briefs by Anyta Sunday

This package just got even bigger! Now with 3 additional stories: "It could be you", "Hearts" and "Bird Meets Cage".

Slow burn romance that quickens the heart. From sweet & light-hearted to raw and emotional – this collection contains seven contemporary gay romance novellas previously published individually between 2013 and 2016.

Sweet & Light-Hearted:

“Noticed Me Yet?”
Who is this Mr. X that Jacob keeps writing to? And how can he be falling for him?

“DJ Dangerfield”
Who is this DJ Dangerfield in Real Life? And will Justin like him in the flesh as much as on the air?

“Get It”
Why does unrequited love leave you blind as a bat to other things?

“The Douglas Fir”
Can Jason find that magic gift to win his neighbor’s heart?

“It Could Be You”
What is worst – having won 15 million quid but not being able to find the bloody ticket, or the unrequited love you have for your roommate?

Raw & Emotional:

Is it possible two dead hearts can see life again?

“Bird Meets Cage”
He was everything I wasn’t. He was the first man I ever loved, and he left without me ever telling him that the way he looked at me broke my heart.





More Novellas

Cover art: Natasha Snow

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