Cameron Wants To Be A Hero

Love, Austen #2

Cameron Wants To Be A Hero by Anyta Sunday - a retelling of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey



Cameron (whom you met in "Emerett"!) really needs to figure some things out. How to be the hero of his own romance. How to lose his virginity. How to find love. Cameron Morland knows what he wants, it's getting there that's the challenge. But when he meets the outrageously confident Henry Tilney, Cameron doesn't just want to be the hero of his own romance. He needs to be.

~ ~ ~

Lake: Did you get his number this time?
Cameron: Yes. But I’m not sure I should use it so soon.
Lake: What’s soon? Didn’t you last see him yesterday?
Cameron: I thought you’re meant to wait three days? Otherwise it looks desperate.
Lake: You are desperate.
Cameron: Thanks.
Lake: From everything you’ve told me, sounds like this could be something.
Cameron: You think?
Lake: Message him. Keep it sexy.

~ ~ ~

When it comes to romance books, Cameron Morland can always read between the lines. When it comes to real romance, he may need a dictionary.

Or Jane.

~ ~ ~

It’s Northanger Abbey, complete with a neo-gothic mansion and charming misunderstandings. But contemporary. And gay.


“I absolutely LOVED Anyta Sunday’s latest release, “Leo Loves Aries.” It was full of snark, humor and loads of banter, which was right up my alley.” – Todd – My Fiction Nook (4.5/5 stars).

This book has it all: best friends to lovers, Quotes of the Day, a red JLM shirt, a well-intentioned but completely clueless MC, and Theo learning that you can feel emotions during sex.” – Gaybook Reviews (4.5/5 stars)

“This was a very cute “friends to lovers” story, that was low on angst and high on the “feel good” moments.” – Wendy – Dirty Books Obsession (4/5 stars)

“I loved their protectiveness and their jealousy. I loved their quirky games and constant challenges. I found the secondary cast to be extremely strong and solid. I just… loved it.” – Book Unfunk


More from the "Love, Austen" Series

Illustrations: Lauren Dombrowski
Typograpy: Natasha Snow

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